Land area: 11.7 sq. mi.
Water area: 0.3 sq. mi.
Population: 1,196 (all rural)
Males: 602 | (50.3%) |
Females: 594 | (49.7%) |
Occupied houses/apartments: 1,186 (965 owner occupied, 221 renter occupied)
% of renters here: | 19% |
State: | 29% |
Races in Watts township:
- White Non-Hispanic: 98.8%
- Black: 0.1%
- American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.3%
- Asian: 0.3%
- Two or more races: 0.2%
Median age of males: 37.4
Median age of females: 37.7
Average household size: 2.65
Watts township: | 2.6 people |
Pennsylvania: | 2.5 people |
Average family size: 3.06
Estimated median household income in 2008: $56,374 ($44,583 in 1999)
This township: | $56,374 |
Pennsylvania: | $50,713 |
To learn more about the demographics of Watts Township, please visit: